
Speed Conversion

This is an online speed conversion calculator to convert one unit of speed to another unit of speed. It converts following common speed units: meters per second (m/s), feet per second (ft/s), feet per minute (ft/min), kilometers per hour (km/h), miles per hour (mi/h), knot (kn,kt), meters per minute (m/min) and speed of light.

Common Speed Units

meters per second (m/s): feet per second (ft/s): feet per minute (ft/min):
kilometers per hour (km/h): miles per hour (mi/h): knot (kn,kt):
meters per minute (m/min): speed of light:

To use this Speed Conversion, follow the steps mentioned bellow,

  • Enter the value for the speed unit to be converted to another speed unit.
  • Click the "Convert Speed" button.
  • This will display the converted speed unit values in the other speed units.
  • The speed unit which is under conversion will be marked with a different color.
  • The value of the speed unit to be converted should be in proper numerical form.

Note: The calculated speed conversion may not be exact. It may be approximate based on the input value of the speed unit under conversion. Also the speed unit conversions for same speed unit may vary based on the country, customery and context of use.