This is an online area conversion table which provides conversion factors between various commonly used units of area measurement. It consists of following common area units: square centimeter (cm2), square meter (m2), hectare (ha), square kilometer (km2), square inch (in2), square feet/foot (ft2), square yard (yd2), square mile (mi2) and acre (ac).

Area Conversion Table of Common Area Units

  square centimeter (cm2) square meter (m2) hectare (ha) square kilometer (km2) square inch (in2) square foot/feet (ft2) square yard (yd2) square mile (mi2) acre (ac)
1 square centimeter (cm2) 1 0.0001 0.00000001 0.0000000001 0.15500031000062 0.001076391041671 0.00011959900463011 0.000000000038610215854781 0.000000024710538146717
1 square meter (m2) 10000 1 0.0001 0.000001 1550.0031000062 10.76391041671 1.1959900463011 0.00000038610215854781 0.00024710538146717
1 hectare (ha) 100000000 10000 1 0.01 15500031.000062 107639.1041671 11959.900463011 0.0038610215854781 2.4710538146717
1 square kilometer (km2) 10000000000 1000000 100 1 1550003100.0062 10763910.41671 1195990.0463011 0.38610215854781 247.10538146717
1 square inch (in2) 6.4516 0.00064516 0.000000064516 0.00000000064516 1 0.0069444444444444 0.0007716049382716 0.00000000024909766860871 0.00000015942250790736
1 square foot/feet (ft2) 929.0304 0.09290304 0.000009290304 0.00000009290304 144 1 0.11111111111111 0.000000035870064279654 0.000022956841138659
1 square yard (yd2) 8361.2736 0.83612736 0.000083612736 0.00000083612736 1296 9 1 0.00000032283057851688 0.00020661157024793
1 square mile (mi2) 25899881103 2589988.1103 258.99881103 2.5899881103 4014489599.9442 27878399.999612 3097599.9999569 1 639.9999999911
1 acre (ac) 40468564.224 4046.8564224 0.40468564224 0.0040468564224 6272640 43560 4840 0.0015625000000217 1

Using Area Conversion Table

To use this Area Conversion Table, please consider to have a look at the examples bellow,

  • Value in the cell of 4 th row and 3 rd column of the area conversion table is 10000. This means 1 hectare = 10000 square meter.
  • Value in the cell of 10 th row and 7 th column of the area conversion table is 43560. This means 1 acre = 43560 square feet.

Note: All area conversion factors are not exact and some of them are rounded to limit the number of digits. Also the area conversion factor for same area unit may vary based on the country, customery and context of use.